Summer Youth Work Experience (SYWE)

One of our many services

Intake/Site Development/Coordination/Staffings/Exit Staffing for CBA, JTO, WA, and SYWE
Per referral and consumer choice, a community based work site, job try out site, or work adjustment will be developed, coordinated, implemented, and an exit staffing completed.

Summer Youth Work Experience Intake (up to 4 hours)
Coordinates intakes and network with school personnel/service teams. 30-60 days prior to start of Summer Work Experiences the student should be referred for the intake and coordination of schedules involving all needed parties.
Summer Youth Work Experience (up to 16 hours per week)
Approximately 8 weeks in duration, 16 hours per week.  Amount of weeks can be adjusted as needed.
• Weeks 1 & 2 - Group orientation, evaluation of vocational needs, plan development.  Training in workplace communication, workplace skills, interpersonal skills, independent living skills, and how your disability affects you at work.  Interest inventories, career exploration, and community job shadows to determine best matches for work experiences week 3-8.
• Group Job Seeking Skills Training including pre and post videotaped interviews. Finalize job sites and insure all participants have appropriate attire and transportation.
• Weeks 3 through 8 - Community Based Work enclaves with on-site job coach at a 4 to 1 ratio, participant paid the current Ohio minimum wage rate